Bratva — a Fury story

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Hemingway, and Fitzgerald. 

Han, and Chewie. 

King Arthur, and Lancelot. 

Butch and Sundance. 

History is written with stories, of brothers. 

Brotherhood permeates, since the dawn of time. Probably originated in the caves. 

When you had to rely on another, against the other tribes, spear in hand, against the sabertooth tigers. 

In the trenches bonds are forged. 

Today I present to you such a bond. 

AV + Fury. 

They call us the greatest anime duo, ever, mockingly, teasingly, cute, cuddingly, whatever. 

But AV and me haven't known eachother that long, and the magnetic synergy, the rapidity at which the bond has been forged is diamond rare. 

Unbreakable, too. 

I am Fury. I write stories. 

And my gift to you is the story of AV and me. How we met, and now three times. 

What we did, like normal people really, but in a different hue. 

Drinking, talking, bondening, smoking. 

Who is this for?

For fans of Hemingway, Jack Kerouac, Rimbaud, Hunter S. Thompson, Charles Bukowski. My writing style, and life, has been compared with these great iconoclasts. The highest of praises.

What Others Like You are Saying:

AV ofc got sneak peak. But his words are familiar. My style is fastpaced. Cinematic. Fun. 

Praise for my other works:

"Your words are like a red hot katana."
— A.C. 

"I was curious how you evolved as a writer. Because evolving as a writer, from your first novel [LLT] -- how you would change up the writing style. I was impressed with it. More casual, more normal. More relatable. It's good for a casual reader. It doesn't have too much of that furyousness. It just have enough, to make it much more entertaining. You take inspirations from the best, but you still have your own still. Like for example, when I read your work, I know it's your work. This one [Always Survive] had enough [the Fury Style] without overdoing it. The Thailand one [LLT] was more your style. It had short sentences. Explosive words. But this one had more wisecracks. It was interesting."

— A. N. 

"Fury, damn, why do you always have these crazy stories? That hotel room. The girls. Shit." 

— B.B. 

"Wow. Your writing sounds really really good, and professional. Like, how do you say that, I was blown away. [You were into the story. There was no real story. It was about the story. AV commenting on her state of mind after AV read her the sales mail promoting the presale of BRATVA in the car -- also see next testimonial]. When I read you can buy it now, I thought, That's it. I want more. The structure [of your writing] is so good. You have your own niche. You have your own way of writing. You can feel that, in your words. You can feel your personality in your words."

— J. -- she's in the story 

"You're fortunate. One, you've cultivated the skill. You're talented, but you also put in the sweat. So you're like talented, plus you put in the work. So really good shit. Plus the stories are interesting, well, I'm biased. Even with a splitting headache, I had to finish it. I was like dang, woh yeah."

— AV, reading my mail to J. while driving in the car to their date. 

Question, and Answers:

  • Will I get rich from reading this?

Ofcourse not buffoon. This is a story. Pure and pure storytelling, as pure as it gets. Pure like fine ass Grey Goose vodka, or Belvedere, or some overpriced shit. If you want something to read, light, and fast, and electric, and for this summer. This is it. 

  • Will this get me pussy?

RE above, moron. Go to someone else shilling GR courses how to get laid. This aint it, baby.

  • Will this get me superjacked?


Some details about the story.

  • Location: Belgium
  • Drinks: JD, Quadka, JD Honey, Macallan 12 years, Absolut Vodka
  • Cigars: Montecristos, Hoyo's, Arturo Fuentes, Camacho
  • Suits: Check.
  • Classy places: Yup.
  • Cocktails: Negroni, G&T's


Thing is men are lost these days, some of them. They don't understand brotherhood. But even deeper, more intimate. Kinship. That's what AV did, like a surrogate brother, he took me in, or I him. This story is a metaphor, a mirror perhaps too, reflecting, showcasing values, and morals, and integrity. Loyalty. It's Slavic, Eastern. A basic courtesy, as AV would say.

Chances are, if you're reading this, you're from the West, a Westener, or God forbid, I know they're around, and increasingly sadly too, a Eastern born, but polluted with Western garbage. 

This is a return to form. For me, in the form of telling the damn story. Mine, and the likes I meet. The brothers. 

But in a sense, through the cracks of my writing, like writing on the wall, like perhaps a cave, since the dawn of time. 

This is a return to brotherhood. 

Click the *I want this* button, to relish in Brotherhoods, NOW, and TO COME. 


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BRATVA: 3 Stories + 1 Surprise Intermezzo | BONUS: LONDON STORY

+ 5 - 10 EXTRA PAGES
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Bratva — a Fury story

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