HOOA — The Way of Authenticity
Dear clan member,
Fury here, a neo-samurai with his word for sword.
You're asking me:
"Is it Really possible to increase the quality of your life just by being your Authentic Self...
If you're exhausted by all the phonies in life, and you having to capitulate parts of your self, and your dignity, to fit in ...
If you're always copying people, looking for external validation, even worse...
If you're always looking for external motivation, or some source of external inspiration or energy that can drive you forward and upward..
Then the message within this letter will be the lightning bolt that sets your heart on fire for good.
Within a few sentences, couple words actually, you may discover why the SECRET to unleash the full potential of your life force, and improve all domains in your life, was waiting inside you all along.
Plus, you'll discover:
How the teachings in this book got me the podcast appearance on the James Altucher Show (JAS), and the seat at the table with the brothers Tate.
(this is where my copywriter friends would say, Yo add the Paris Hilton story! - ngl that one doesnt really count, lmaoooo. It, however, without making too much of a detour shows, that if you follow your innate passions you will end up at spots in your life where the timing is just right and you're struck with freakish luck; same with the JAS, same with Tate)
It is these people, these moments that send me thinking, opened up my heart, and deconstruct what it means to be authentic and its value is.
Mr. Altucher exclaimed: "You should write the book of the modern day samurai (neo-samurai), The Authentic Man!"
It's these high value stories that were injected in my apparently still malleable brain, and heart and opened it wide open,
that transformed my words from just mere words, just scribblings here and there on scraps of papers, in some journals, there and there, to words harder than metal.
Word that came alive, electrified, charged with meaning, that could cut through anyone. Once read, searing into your retina, your brain, mind, soul.
But it wasn't the words that changed, it was what lies underneath, inward. The spirit.
These teachings, as you're about to see, may be the key to lighting your spirit on fire, unlocking your full authentic way of being, for ever, for good; allowing alignement with all the facets of your life, ensuring a frictionless relation with all the things you reach out for.
These wisdoms bundled in this book is the only movement backed by a clan of 25,000 strong, minimum. (Discounting the further reach, on a global scale, which is immeasurable, tbh.),
that you need to put your soul on fire.
[BURNING NOTICE]: These wisdoms have been used by the juggernauts and greats of history, manifesting a heroic legacy that echoed into prosperity.
However most people, including the seasoned writers and well-read ones, have no clue how to embody these wisdoms
... they rely on quotes, platitudes, self improvement BS
... external motivation, the latest hip YT or TT vid that gives them energy for less than a microsecond, worse than candy tbh
To say this is costing them, is a euphemism.
You can avoid this by reading this clan letter carefully as the sacred secret heart revealed may show you the way to maxxing out the quality of your life;
find peace and love and happiness with your self, once and for all;
come to grips with your spirit and let it awaken and thrive for ever — and with sheer magnetism draw money, business, and relationship opportunities towards you with zero friction.
What is revealed here works for everyone, from all walks of life, doesnt matter where you're from, or who you are. This is what a reader sent me TODAY (11/10/22):
A young naive, inexperienced man's WHOLE life changed merely with 1 Single message, 1 paragraph of words, channeled through the spirit, HOOA.
I used the teachings to change a young man, from a third world country, his life, who's just starting out, and this happened in just 1-hour session.
1 mere paragraph, couple phrasings, can bring people from the dark out into and forward and upward and higher for ever into the light.
William received the Scroll; absorbed the Message. It brought him closer to a Mindset, his, not practice Gratitude; it gave him numerous Insights to live life HIS way.
There's a small chance you're thinking, Fury is just too high on his own supply; despite that, you'll be suprised at how hundreds, if not thousands, of people turned their lives around and started living true to what they know in their very golden heart to be true.
This is about a book about being real, so I have to be real to you, too, in this letter, in order for you to be real. That's the reality.
You want a silver bullet, you want it now, between us there's legit a chapter in the book attributed to it.
With which suddenly you speak up, out, with more confidence; your presence becomes like a supernova; you have a skip in your step, gliding through life; people trust you more, believe you more, you get invited more and from this deals flow and relations are fostered.
Which is nothing compared to when you pierce the depths of the heart of it all.
Fully disclosing the sacred secrets life, and all the high value people I met, seared into my brain and that opened up my heart in just a moment,
but first, since we're talking about being real, being honest, for that we need to shine a light on the other side first;
the lies that are forcing you to be fake, making sure the thirst of your spirit is never quenched, keeping you from opening your eyes and your heart.
Now after living the vagabond life for years, I've come to realize that these lies are the Only difference between those being a beacon of hope and inspiration as a warrior of the light, and those who are swallowed whole by the dark reality of living a forced, fake life for the remainder of their life.
Therefore, clan member, proceed not with haste, but with care and hold these words dear to your heart.
So what is the big lie keeping you from unlocking the full potential of your authentic spirit and living a life that is fully aligned with who you truly are?
The big lie is that being authentic takes years to unlock, lots of travel; dozens of countries/dating/receipts/gym PRs/writing dozens of books/reading 1000s of books and that a silver bullet doesnt exist.
So if you manage to open your heart, clan member, I got for you: an easy, proven, potent, and effortless silver bullet.
REALity is if you know a bit about yourself, then you already have the unique ability to open the gates of your Authentic Might that ensures a permanent increase in your satiation in life.
But that's not even the most exciting part; the most exciting part is:
You can be your final form, your most authentic self — without needing to do all the aforementioned; if you just knew how.
Some may call BS right now, so let me share with you some sacred secrets the Greats dont want you to know.
If you're like most young budding spirits I've helped over the course of years, every time you sat down and thought you had it figured out, life throws another wrench in the works:
You get started, find some new shiny thing, get all fired up.
Soon this spark dies out, and you left staring into the abyss. Not knowing what to do, and left wondering where the spark went, and where you can get a new hit.
Maybe you pick up another book, course, watch another webinar, YT/TT or inspirational vid, or you speak to someone empowering.
You do feel somewhat alive, but you're not madly in love with "it".
You're still nervous in public settings, or speaking in public. You still over-respect people without having firm boundaries.
You think maybe you need a new outfit, or cologne, or supercar, more money that will fix it..
Your mind is now scattered all over the place.
And you take a break, back to the drawing board, but no matter what you ADD, you get more and more confused and nothing seems to be the last puzzle piece.
You become despondent, pulling your hairs out, bellowing into the dank dark sky, thinking:
"Is it my physique, am I sleeping enough, is my diet in check, do I need to go out more, get more sun, longer walks, maybe that new grounding will help - it must be my Health."
"Or maybe my character just sucks super bad."
Not knowing where to place your finger on the pulsating bleeding wound, you go over this turbelent failing process over and over. Years go by.
You're honest with yourself, and realize there were some days you just had "it" and had some strokes of luck, but could never get it to stick. No guarantee that you're were gonna hit it outta the park.
So you just sit there and stare, not knowing how you are going to find or forge your final form.
I've had countless conversations (at bars all around the planet) with the ambitious about this and we all experience the same issue. As soon as you think you have it figured it, life flips the script on you, a new obstacle presents itself, and you are paralyzed and dont know what to do.
"Gurus" want you to buy their next program. Fitness guys want you to get more jacked. PUA guys want you to pick up more chicks. Money twitter guys just say make more money.
But somehow all those things never filled your soul.
And you still felt hollow.
Sucks, I know how it feels.
And they'll keep spouting nonsense like: "I love you, man" "WAGMI" "Or they push it in your face, if you dont do xyz, its clear as day you're NGMI, fr fr no cap!"
Sickening, tbh.
As a hero you're born to bear the brunt of the world, all its suffering. Trial after trial, that's the tragedy. I'd prefer for you to nod along, but a stoic hero bears all of this in silence, but that doesn't mean you're the only one going through this.
Everyone who wants to leave his mark on reality suffers with very similar struggles.
So the big question you might have asked yourself, while you suffer with doubt and fear if you have the spirit to come fully alive and align with what is truly meant for your destiny is: "Isn't there a better way?"
Why is it so hard to just be yourself?
And the mere thought of trying to be authentic brings you feelings of inauthenticity.
And then there's the bigger question:
Why do some guys have it so easy, it looks so natural for them, and they're so comfortable in their own skin, with such a magnetic presence, and everything comes so easy to them?
Next to no visual, vocal or verbal presence, the sauce. No one knows your name, or bothers to remember it. You're left scared to wonder what prosperity will think of you, what legacy will reverberate long after you.
And yet, yet, there are the Iconoclasts that dont even have to bat an eye and they dent the fabrics of existence itself.
While the rest of us are clenching their teeth, their chest flushing with lava hot fury, foam in your mouth, your eyes seeing murky red.
After shaking hands, and doing deals, with high level individuals, across 33+ countries around the planet, over the course of half a decade, I discovered the secret key to authenticity. Which once is picked up will unlock your full potential and never leave you the same ever again. Transforming you into the person you were always destined to be, your birthright.
What are the sacred secrets, what is the silver bullet, what is the secret key?
First off I'm not a big fan nor believe of big secrets/silver bullets/secret keys and what not. But when I first realized this, I was shocked. And in disbelief, until I personally started to see its might, in full effect, full movement.
The reason why some guys wear the cloak of a hero has nothing to do with what they do, or how they do it...nothing technical..
And it certainly doesnt have to do with the amount of years they've existed on this planet.
After clutching the soul of thousands of narratives, and those spun by the aforementioned high level individuals, wrapping my head around them, wrapping "it" around my hand like bandages for battle, I discovered, That's just it. That's IT. All the greats were iconic, authentic, because they had a golden heart. A soul. SPIRIT.
Which 99.99% are lacking nowadays.
What is this spirit?
That's the spirit, not just of my own, but within houses the spirit of thousands of daring and great defiant spirits who seek to showcase their reckoning to reality.
That's the way to authenticity, that's the way to your authenticity.
HOOA is merely the symbol, the mirror held up to your spirit; the signal in the sky - so that you may find it, embrace it, and wield its power.
But problem is only few know what power it truly holds. But there's an arcane allure anchored to it, for those daring enough to dive deep.
And truth be told, if it wasn't for the last four years, trying to find myself, across 33+ countries, I wouldn't have discovered it myself.
And would've kept bringing a low vitality to the table, without capturing the hearts and minds of thousands.
Tragic part is that's what you're doing right now.
Heroic part is: HOOA holds no boundaries, knows no limit, it forces you to become Authentic easily and swiftly. It COMPELS you. Rather captivating, it transforms you.
Want proof?
I'm sharing three of these right now:
Due to the innate quality of mimetics, the power of spirit has a vehicle that travels lightning-fast.
Two of my mutuals, who had never spoken a word with one another, saying HOOA as the first uttering to break the silence between the two
My friend then started to realize the magnitude of the movement HOOA, both moreso its efficacy. Two strangers on the web. Like riders in the dark. They say the passcode. And they both know, its All Good.
When you put your life into your work, it becomes your life's work; and others can feel that. Here is Based Ace, grabbing a copy, and joining the Movement.
How exactly does HOOA work? What is it that makes it such a secret key to open the gates to the gold of authenticity and the halls of a clan of men being of reputable noteriety?
HOOA is a code that breaks down Authenticity into 5 core pillars, which anyone can use as foundation for their masterful authentic self.
Build with these, you no longer are left scared and alone in the dark and wild; follow this 5 step-by-step process and by the time you finish, you are guaranteed to emerge as your authentic self.
Since HOOA was conceptualized in the hearts of the public, the number of warriors who've tamed its spirit and wreak havoc on society has become astronomical.
Can't include all the testimonals; that'd take us Eons. But here are a few who used the spirit of HOOA and followed the 5 pillars of authenticity. Read the words of others like you for yourself:
A. is such a wild spirit that I'm often left wondering how much of HOOA this guy actually needed. He's actually one of the most authentic guys I've ever met.
Victor was one of my first clients and longtime friend now.
The Russian Poet is enamoured by the spirit with the words as I position myself in the role of poet.
A couple more, for good measure:
The only way you have a shot at breaking through the boundaries of reality is with spirit.
HOOA brings gravitas to the word, spoken, or written.
When you write from a special place, you give readers a special read; when you write with the intent to touch, you touch people.
The warrior poet can enter the Court, too, and get a seat at the table. It's about archetypal alignement and authenticity.
Is it any wonder that people who follow HOOA have been calling it THE Way of Authenticity? Dont think so. Every day I get messages from people who follow HOOA, the Way of Authenticity, and wish they had found The Way sooner.
HOOA is considered by many the most raw and impactful and influential. This begs the question:
If HOOA is so poweful, why haven't you heard of it yet? Why aren't more people shouting HOOA from the top of their lungs? Why isn't this SECRET taking over the rest of the world already?
The answer is simple, it's not good for business, because the world profits off of those who are completely DEVOID of spirit.
There's a very good damn reason why the rich and powerful wants us to be the walking dead, undead shells walking around, what would happen to their yearly earnings if we all woke up — they just want you asleep and it shows, shake the hive and the bees get mad..
They dont want you to awaken your spirit, which would mean you'd have the vitality to rise up; who would want that?
So why am I sharing it with you?
Because I know what it feels like. Always reading the next book, consuming the next big thing. Screenshotting tweets and bundling them so you can keep coming back to them.
There's no foundation to build from, everything is just surface level, just bandaging the wounds, but the root of the pain is not addressed.
This goes on for years. Day after day, hour by hour, always grasping in the air and dark for a solution. Can you imagine how frustrating and excruciating and painful this is?
I know, thats why I want to share HOOA - The Way of Authenticity with you.
Because I just know that it's as close as on the tip of your nose, better yet, you just have to close your eyes and dig deep. It's right there, it's like knowing the answer to a riddle but the other doesn't and you just want to scream the answer from the top of your lungs!
This answer, this code is something all the Greats know. So how does HOOA work?
HOOA works because it contains a code that breaks down authenticity in pillars that are guaranteed to build you up from the ground up.
Pillar #1 - Originality
Wasn't kidding when I told you the secret to Authenticity is right there waiting for you, Inside. From your genetic makeup and your environment that you grew up in you have your own original building blocks just waiting to be assembled into a powerful pillar of your authentic core.
Pillar #2 - Sincerity
A samurai's word is harder than metal. Word is bond. And your Word is one of your main weapons in your arsenal on your journey to Authenticity. There are Three tenets of a Pledge tied to your word that give it its power, give it life. Most don't even use One, because they don't know something like sincerity holds its place in society. Once you know all Three you can put your word out with fluid ease, which will invigorate you with Authentic action along every step you make from now on.
Pillar #3 - Authority
Most wouldn't realize that Authenticity actually lends towards Authority. Nothing more powerful than being your true self, watch everyone and everything gravitate towards you.
The other two Pillars I'll keep a clan secret.
HOOA is about following your intuition, that literally anybody can do, following it to the heart of Authenticity.
Not only has these 3 pillars never been released in the general public, not only is no one talking about this, but most listen to BS advice and try to tape all kinds of superficialities over their nonexistent core, how to talk better, sound better, look better, but nothing is about how to BE better.
This is a catastrophe.
But since this is about more than me, it's about posterity, it's about building a clan, I carry a personal responsibility to share these secrets with you.
I've spent the last half decade gaining life experience — heck, I almost died on a mountain. TWICE. If I'd be dead right now, this book would not be available for you to read, not available in your hands. This knowledge came at a hefty price.
Now it's my personal credo to share with you my dying secrets, so that you may be put on fire, so that your spirit is put on fire and so that you may live how you were supposed to live all along. True to yourself.
HOOA — The Way of Authenticity is a book, a credo, a tome, a clan manifesto for forging your authentic life. It takes you by the hand and teaches you the following:
- What authenticity actually means and where most get it wrong from the jump
- How I nearly died on a mountain and what this taught me about the meaning of life
- How your name is the first part of your authentic aura and how it has become a modern day calling card of sorts
- The infinite power of a proper pledge
- What your archetype is and how to align with it properly and unlock powers you've never had before
- How to spot and avoid the fakes and find out WHY it is that so many people are Inauthentic
- The heart of authenticity, which once you pierce it, you will never be the same again
- The Sacred Secret I almost didn't want to share but which is actually the most hidden layer of being Authentic
Now HOOA, the Way of Authenticity is not just an ordinary book, here are 5 reasons why everyone loves it for something highly unique:
Reason #1
It's not often an author goes on the Altucher show, but also that the IDEA for their next book is birthed LIVE on the show.
Reason #2
Not often an author goes to climb a mountain, almost die. And bring back glimpses of insights of the known universe, back down.
Reason #3
It's not some superficial course with fluff and just bullshit, flung together in 5 seconds. I put my life's work into this, my heart and soul and MIND. Every word is part of me. Every promise that was meant to be kept is seared into every lettter of every word. All 22,699 of them. If you'd ask me, How do I become more authentic, this is what I would tell you, nothing held back, no back end, every little detail is in there.
Reason #4
It breaks down Authenticity step by step. There's no hard work involved, unlike with other their materials. There is only heart work, everything is intuitive, and is to be felt.
Reason #5
It provides you with a handle for a lifetime. At the heart of the book, you will see, and at the climax I felt a cathartic moment, that I knew I gave a piece of my heart inside the heart of this book. Which is a necessity if you want something to come alive, and actually have a vitality inside of it, and live on long after you. So as long as you put your Own heart into the words of the book and live it, you will have your spirit side by side for as long as your heart pumps, and perhaps further...
Only when people pay for insights, do they take care of it, do they acknowledge its power; I don't want you to just skim through The Way of Authenticity. I want you to ABSORB its message in your very Being. I want you to use it as a key to unlock your unique mindset and authenticity for you to live life your way. That's why I want you to invest a bit of money.
And once you do, you get the book, and 4 BIG BONUSES.
Yeah, not only are you getting The Five Pillars and the Silver Bullet to Authenticity - not just gonna let you fend for yourself; I want you to do you, be you, and flourish right now. That's why you're getting access to these 4 Big Bonuses:
Big Bonus #1:
The HOOA Bookclub
This will be hosted in an exclusive community, catered to the readers who purchased the book and have pressing questions with regards to Authenticity. (Especially on the Archetypes and How to find their best one or build their best one...)
Big Bonus #2:
Mind you, this is not only, not just a session for the FAQs, a moment to get your personal pressing questions answered but also you'll be part of the MOVEMENT, all the other like minded spirits who got inspired by the theme of this book.
As a writer, feedback matters to me, and with the questions, constructive critique, comments and insights, it shines a new light on what will be (part of the) sequel(s) to this book.
As of now the bookclub of the November the 8th already took place. The recording of that is now available in your gumroad library as of now (10/11/22). This is an extra 1-hour bonus footage. Where I recite a never before heard sonnet, which marks the theme of this book and what writing means, and all the readers got to answer their question and I answered all questions live.
Big Bonus #3:
An excerpt of the Next Book. 20 pages, 4500 words. For your reading. All included within the price of course. Enjoy..
Big Bonus #4
Discount of MORE than 30% on the Sequel of The Way of Authenticity, called the Fury, The book of The vagabond in the dark. It contains 30 years of wisdom across 30 countries travelled to.
So without further ado, just follow along, get the book, join the bookclub and learn how to unlock your Authentic self
Click the * I want it * button and grab HOOA, The Way of Authenticity now, and join the clan.
The Book of HOOA + 3 BIG BONUSES